I had dindin with Mendoza at bandar earlier today. We wanted to go to red circle but it was closed to a private party so we shall go another time. We just made it a weekly tradition to have dinners! Yay. We are going to resume when I get back from Vietnam in 2 weeks of course :) I'm excited to see her more often and show her what SD is all about (even though I don't really even know much yet haha). A few places on the list are: hash house, extraordinary desserts, convoy, phils BBQ, and heavenly fondue.

I'm in going to bed with ATB - exstacy on repeat hehehe goodnight! I'm waking up early tomorrrow morning to hit the gym. It's about time. These past few weeks have been rough and it's taken a toll on my physical well being. I can't stand not working out and staying in shape! But I'm back on track now :) yay for volleyball every Monday..... What would I do without my volleyball<333333